The spring equinox has come and gone, the clocks are poised to spring forward this weekend and with the sun shining it feels, dare I say, that winter may be behind us. With the changing of the seasons, there’s also natural shift in the food we eat, as talk of soups, stews and casseroles fades out and a wave of comms around Easter and even BBQ arrives.

Seasonal eating has been on the public’s radar for some time now and no wonder; shifting our outlook to eat more locally grown produce that’s in season is not only an easy way to reduce our carbon footprint (think of the food miles!) and shopping costs, but also enjoy food when it’s naturally at its very best.

As the leading food marketing agency, it’s a trend that we’ve seen gain real momentum at jellybean HQ in the last few years. Chefs in the industry have long championed seasonal British produce – look no further than restaurants such as Osip, Native, Rogan & Co and River Cottage. Despite soaring food inflation, its outstanding value and taste is now firmly in the mainstream (spurred on undoubtedly by shopping local during the pandemic).

If you’re not sure where to start, Love British Food has everything you need to know for what to buy, cook and eat during different times of the year. Leeks, cauliflower, kale, spring lamb, rhubarb are all on the list for spring – a ready-made shopping list for the Easter weekend.

Don’t forget to share your seasonal dishes with us on the socials @jellybeanagency

Clare Fellowes-Freeman
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