Category: Digital

Digital Download – Episode 5

The Social Updates You Need to Know

As a leading integrated food and drink marketing agency, social media management is one of many services we offer our clients. From paid and organic social, to content creation, influencer collabs and strategy, we’re on hand to help your food and drink brand grow and maximise on the opportunities provided through social media platforms.

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Stories That Speak: How Video Case Studies Do the Talking for Your Brand

Stories That Speak: How Video Case Studies Do the Talking for Your Brand

As social media and YouTube continue to skyrocket, it’s clear that brands can’t afford to ignore the power of video. With 90% of businesses integrating video into their marketing strategies, and audiences spending an average of 17 hours a week watching content online1, video is where brands need to focus in order to generate leads, attract new audiences and raise awareness.

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Maximising LinkedIn for Food & Drink Brands

Maximising LinkedIn for Food & Drink Brands

In the fast-evolving digital landscape, B2B food and drink brands are leveraging social media to build stronger networks, drive sales, and boost brand visibility.

LinkedIn, as the world’s largest professional networking platform and the oldest (21 years this year and counting), has become an important tool in these efforts, offering unique opportunities to connect with the right audiences.

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10 Top Tips for Writing for SEO

Writing for SEO

10 Simple Ways to Boost your Website’s Visibility

The lowest hanging fruit in all SEO is in the hands of the least tech savvy people. Writers.

Text on the web is perhaps Google’s favourite content as it is so easily ‘machine readable’.

With some sound advice it’s possible to take your simple blogs, articles, case studies and press releases, and super-charge them into top SEO content that will get you noticed online.

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Digital Download – Episode 4

Hello and welcome to the third edition of the Digital Download from Jellybean – Creative Digital Marketing Agency – Food and Drink. My name is Andy Wickes and the this week we are focusing on our Top 10 tips for E Marketing.

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Digital Marketing Agency - Food and Drink - Jellybean Creative Solutions

Digital Download – Episode 3

Hello and welcome to the third edition of the Digital Download from Jellybean – Creative Digital Marketing Agency – Food and Drink. My name is Andy Wickes and the this week we are focusing on our Top 3 tips for any digital marketing activity.

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Digital Marketing Download Episode 2

Digital Download – Episode 2

Hello and welcome to the second edition of the Digital Download from Jellybean Creative. My name is Andy Wickes and the this week we talk about lead generation online.

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Digital Marketing Download - Jellybean Creative Solutions

Digital Download – Episode 1

Hello and welcome to the very first edition of the Digital Download from Jellybean Creative. My name is Andy Wickes and the idea here is hopefully a pretty simple one. Each week we plan to cut through the white noise of digital marketing advice, tools, technologies, apps, platforms, acronyms and jargon, and to provide you our audience with an executive summary of what we think you need to know each week. Time is of the essence so we plan to keep things short. Very short! The plan is give you what you need to know in under two minutes. This is a quick espresso shot of digital that you can fit in between meetings or phonecalls or checking your email. Quick, smart and succinct.

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Digital Food and Drink Conference

Foodservice Digital Agency - Digital Food and Drink ConferenceAs you would expect from the leading foodservice digital agency, much of our time is spent ensuring we are abreast of the latest trends in our industry. And so it was that I found myself bound for this year’s Digital Food and Drink Conference held at America Square in London.

With a truly impressive selection of speakers I was looking forward to the thrust and parry of debate as retailer and brand alike took to the stage to put forward their presentations and debate how each can help one and other deliver success in the digital space.

For those of you not lucky enough to have attended, here are my top 10 take outs from the day’s speakers. Ready? Right, here goes.

1) Kate Douglas from Twitter talked about their exciting new products – namely Amplify, Moments and Niche. Want to keep up to speed on social? Go and read up on those.
2) ASDA noted that ‘incentivised’ emails outperformed Supplier Branded emails by a factor of 30%. Looks like money off or a giveaway still reigns supreme.
3) Steve Millard of Burton’s Biscuits revealed that the value of online sales in food is set to double by 2020 – those not exploiting digital are missing out – big time.
4) A straw poll of attendees showed zero plans for adoption of iBeacon technology – the need for an app, bluetooth enabled, lack of signal in store all seems too high a barrier.
5) Jamie Nascimento from Orangina spoke of his ‘comma, not full stop’ approach – always think of the next step you wish a consumer to make to continue their marketing journey.
6) Gordon Morrin of Kerry Foods shared the success of Sausage and Chip – his Christmas campaign, and how emotional marketing drove great results for Richmond sausages.
7) Jamie from Orangina talked of ‘thumb-stopping’ video – quick, video edits from a longer cut without audio that encourage mobile users to stop in their scrolling and take note.
8) Dan Jeffreys from Bettys / Taylors of Harrogate showed the room his case study for how a viral video of their £250.00 Easter Egg drove online chatter and ultimately sales uplift. Seems like a good stunt, well executed is still a very powerful way of getting virtual tongues wagging.
9) Nick Bamber of Asda and Joe Comiskey of Unilever spoke of the power of customer reviews online, and how they even power shopper behaviour in store as well as via the e-commerce experience.
10) On average we unlock our phones 150 times a day, Twitter sends 6000 tweets per second, 1 in 5 of us follow a food brand on Twitter, we tweet more about #meat than #chocolate, and Greek food is fastest growing food trend on Twitter. Enough stats for one day? Thought so.

So an all-round great event, and a fascinating collection of speakers from the world of foodservice digital. Thanks to Global Insight Conferences for a great event and for providing a platform for us digital foodies to congregate and thrash out the hot topics. Events as thoughtfully curated as this are hard to come by in my experience. We’re looking forward to next year’s event already!

Jellybean Creative is a leading foodservice digital agency. We help top brands with foodservice pr, foodservice marketing, digital and design. If you feel we could help you with your marcomms, strategy, public relations, creative or digital then drop us a line today.

Digital Trends for 2015

The first of no doubt many reports on the predicted digital trends for 2015 is out. Econsultancy, in collaboration with Adobe have produced their Quarterly Digital briefing report as a result of interviewing over 6300 people, both client and agency side.

The findings make interesting reading, and we at Jellybean thought we’d bring you the top line take outs of what is predicted to be key areas of focus for the coming months.

The stand out area in most of the surveys taken was CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE.

This was seen as the most exciting opportunity in 2015 by the majority, with 22% of the vote. Using digital tools across a multi-channel space, delivering an impeccable customer experience was seen as being a focus both by suppliers / agencies and clients.

Customer experience, and its successful implementation can take many forms in digital marketing. In a simple, almost literal sense it can take the form of ‘customer service’ which can be radically improved with the advent of enterprise level social media tools which can take customer service into the social sphere. Equally it can take the form of providing digital support channels such as ticketing, live chat and forums. But equally good UX design and good usability studies are paramount to ensure that your websites are providing a good user experience in the first instance and that visitors are finding the information they require quickly and, potentially, not needing to reach out to get questions answered.

Next in line is CONTENT MARKETING.

With 15% of the vote, and still very much in the ascendancy, content marketing is seen as the second most critical area of interest. A dedication to continually developing useful material and disseminating across the various digital channels is holding  its place in the top two spots from 2014.

In third place, we find ourselves coming across that big buzz word from 2014 again. DATA. Only this time it’s not BIG DATA, it’s DATA DRIVEN MARKETING.

With such a vast amount of marketing intelligence available to us via analytics, reporting, social and the like, DATA DRIVEN MARKETING marks a focus on taking this intelligence and making sure that it informs all areas of the marketing, ensuring that key learnings are acted upon and that communication is tailored wherever possible to the needs and tastes of the recipient. This is seen as being a marked step away from the tendency among some to take a ‘fire hose’ approach to their digital marketing. A ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach where we send the same message to all recipients. Data driven marketing makes us accept that we would no more likely speak to all of our customers the same way in person than we would market to them the same way. We accept they are all unique people, run unique businesses, buy differently from us and have different pressures on them depending on their business objectives – thus we market to them differently if we want to maximise the efficiency of that marketing. Data gives us those insights and the truly successful marketer interprets that data into actionable results.

In other key areas, STRATEGY AND CULTURE are both defined as areas that need attention, in so much as it is crucial that a business’ culture is dedicated, educated and committed to digital in order for the benefits to really shine through. Often it can be a seismic shift within more traditional businesses to get buy in from all departments into a digital way of thinking, and to harness all departments to become involved, but without this holistic approach you will only ever reap some of the benefits and not all.

The importance of technology, data and skills should not be under-estimated, but the right direction from the top of the business and a conducive business environment are fundamental to success.

A well thought-out approach is becoming even more important in a world where mobile devices and even wearable technology mean that the digital and physical worlds are no longer separate. Another highlight of the report is the emergence of targeting and personalisation (30%) as the highest digital-related priority area, narrowly ahead of content optimisation (29%) which has also climbed up the pecking order. The technology has long been available for marketers to target optimised content at website prospects and customers across the right mix of channels in a way which is timely and highly relevant to their implicit and explicit needs.

In the context of the innovation adoption curve, 2014 was the year when the early majority of marketers joined the early adopters in embracing areas such as personalisation and content optimisation. This year may well be the year when the vast majority start to prioritise these areas as well.

Jellybean Creative is a leading foodservice marketing agency. We help top brands with foodservice pr, foodservice marketing, digital and design. If you feel we could help you with your marcomms, strategy, public relations, creative or digital then drop us a line today.