Aviko – Great British Breakfast Recipe Videos

Creative • Digital • Integrated

The Task

With Aviko’s annual Great British Breakfast Competition now in its fourth year, we needed to ensure it remained fresh and engaging to help drive awareness and sales of Aviko’s range of breakfast potato products.

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Aviko Recipe Videos - Foodservice Marketing Agency - Jellybean Creative Solutions

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The Solution

As part of an integrated campaign we felt strong content marketing, specifically video, was the route to go as in 2017, video accounted for 74% of all online traffic.*

As a leading supplier of potato products in foodservice, we wanted to inspire chefs and caterers to use Aviko Hash Browns and Hash Brown Bites, in new and innovative ways at breakfast time. In this way we looked to extend usage with existing customers and inspire new converts to Aviko.

In line with the current trend for short sharp video bursts, we planned 4 short form recipe videos to be used on Twitter and across online trade press media as part of the integrated campaign. Each recipe was designed to be simple and easy to follow, making it practical for busy chefs, as well as being different enough to capture their interest.


The Results

The videos were well received by Aviko, so much so that they went on to be translated and used across Europe. They were also adapted for a consumer retail audience in the UK. To date, across foodservice alone, the videos have been viewed an impressive 1,571 times on YouTube.

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